2023-24 Swim Team Schedule and Roster
2022-23 Swim Team Schedule and Roster
22-23 Swim Schedule and Roster

2018-19 Swim Team
Becky Behrendorff
Head Coach
2018-19 Red Raider Swimming
Friday, November 2, 2018 @ Manchester Rec Center
Thursday, November 15. 2018 @ Winchester SportsPlex
Tuesday, December 4. 2018 @ DW Wilson - Tullahoma
Saturday, December 8. 2018 @ Sewanee - Snowflake Invitational - MS Only
Friday, December 14. 2018 @ Manchester Rec Center
Saturday, January 12, 2019 @ Sewanee - Snowflake Invitational - HS Only
Firday, January 25, 2019 @ Centennial Sportsplex - High School MTHSSA Regional Championships
Saturday, January 26, 2019 @ Centennial Sportsplex - MiddleSchool MTHSSA Regional Championships
Friday & Saturday, January 8-9. 2019 @ Centennial Sportsplex - TISCA HS State Championships
2018-19 High School Region & State Qualifiers:
- TISCAState Championship Meet Qualifiers
- Anna O'Connor 100Fly
- Jase Rice-200 IM
- Kaylee Williams: 200IM, 100Breaststroke
- Jack Beachboard: 200Fr, 100Breaststroke
- MTHSSA Regional Championship Meet Qualifiers
- Gavin Benson- R
- Lindsey Cauble
- Haley Richardson-R
- William Tobitt- Raider Academy
- Kennedy Norman-Young- Raider Academy
- Anna O’Connor
- Jase Rice
- Jack Beachboard
- Kaylee Williams
2018-19 Middle School Region Qualifiers:
- Patience Driggers
- Emily Snider
- Michael Floyd
- Riley Bellomy
- Taylor Wall
- Clancy Sand
- Elliana Masters
- Emily Williams
- Abby Gilday
- Cale Hays
- Ansley Beachboard-R
- Elsie Lazalier
- Nick Bogle
2018-2019 Swim Roster
Coffee County High School Swimmers
Bullock Autumn
Cauble Lindsey
Clutter-Andie- Anderson
Corum Taylor
Fletcher Laura
Freeland Aleese
Marlow-Ali- Alesandra
Norman-Young Kennedy
O'Connor Anna
Richardson Haley
Richardson Hannah
Walker E'Meila
Williams Kaylee
Beachboard Jack
Benson Gavin
Rice Jase
Tobitt William
Coffee County Middle School
Driggers Patience
Hale Katelynn
Floyd Ava
Masters Ellie
Sand Clancy
Snider Emily
Wall Taylor
Williams Emily
Bellamy Riley
Galligan Thomas
Floyd Michael
Westwood Middle School
Beachboard Ansley
Gilday Abby
Hayes Cale
Lazalier Elsie
2017 Information
1. Mandatory Parent & Swimmer Meeting will be held at 6:30pm in the CCCHS Library on Thursday October 12th. Swimmers will try on sample competition suits while parents and coaches meet to discuss the upcomming season. We need to have at least one parent or legal guardian present at this meeting. If you are concerned about your child making the team, feel free to call Coach Lana Ray prior to October 12th. The main criteria for making the team are as follows: demonstrate basic skill in the freestyle stroke and demonstrate the ability to complete 100 yards of freestyle non-stop swimming.
2. Physicals are required BEFORE you can try out.
The printable physical forms are here: http://tssaa.org/wp-content/uploads/Forms/med01.pdf
3. Tryouts will be held on Monday Oct 23rd for NEW SWIMMERS only. Tryouts begin at 3:30 at The Manchester Recreation Center indoor pool. The main criteria for making the team are as follows: demonstrate basic skill in the freestyle stroke and demonstrate the ability to complete 100 yards of freestyle non-stop swimming. Girls need a one piece swim suit and boys need jammers or swim trunks. All swimmers need to have a pair of swim goggles as well. All swimmers must have a signed and completed Physical Form and Parental Consent form in order to try out. Printable forms are located here: http://tssaa.org/wp-content/uploads/Forms/med01.pdf
***ATTENTION Last year's swimmers*** We want all swimmers on last year's team to report on Oct 23rd also. You will not be trying out. This will actually be your first practice. In addition, if you are currently swimming for the Makos then you have our permission to report on Oct 24th as your first day of practice. YOU WILL NOT be allowed to practice unless you bring a completed and signed physical form including the Parental Consent form. Printable forms are located here: http://tssaa.org/wp-content/uploads/Forms/med01.pdf
4. Swim season runs from October 23rd through January 16th unless the swimmer qualifies for the Regional meet or State meet. Those swimmers who qualifiy for regionals will continue to practice and have meets through the last week in January. Swimmers who qualify for the State meet will continue until the second week in February.
5. The first regular season practice for all swimmers is Monday October 23rd. Swim practice is held on Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 at the Manchester Rec Center. Swimmers should be picked up from practice by 4:45. If they have a rec center membership then they may remain at the facility with signed parent permission given to Coach Lana Ray at the beginning of the season.
6. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Head Coach, Lana Ray by phone or email rayl@k12coffee.net or by clicking the link above.
2016-17 Red Raider Swimming Region Team
2016-17 Award Recipients
2016-17 Red Raider Swim Team
2016-17 Red Raider Middle School Swimmers & Award Recipients
2016-17 Swim Season Information
MTHSSA Regional Championship Meet & Results
Resutls: High School Middle School
Check out two great articles with great highlights of this competition for our High School and Middle School teams @ Thunder Radio
High School Region Qualifiers (*relay qualifiers):
Girls' Team: Kaylee Williams, Anna O'Connor, , Lindsey Cauble* and Marie Pascual-Garcia*
Boys' Team: Jack Beachboard, Ryan Farless, Nick Smith and Donnie Ridner
Middle School Region Qualifiers:
Girls' Team: Kennedy Norman-Young, Emily Williams, Amber Ingleburger and Aly Hutchings
Boys Team: William Tobbitt
Season Record: Combined 4-7 ; Girls 4-7 ; Boys 4-7
Division Record: 1-4
1-12-17 @ LaVergne - TIME TRIALS ( Individual )
12-15-16 @ LaVergne - Coffee Co. , Stewart's Creek, Blackman, Lavergne, MTCS & Siegel (Team / Individual )
12-9-16 @ HOME - Coffee Co. , Stewart's Creek, Blackman, Lavergne, MTCS & Siegel (Team / Individual )
12-1-16 @ Sewanee - Coffee Co vs. St. Andrew's Sewanee (TEAM & Individual )
11-17-16 @ Lavergne - Coffee Co, Blackman, Lavergne , & MTCS (Team / Individual )
11-04-16 @ HOME - Coffee Co. , Stewart's Creek, Blackman, Lavergne, MTCS & Siegel (Team / Individual )
Samantha Brunelle - Sr
Maria Pascual-Garcia - Jr
Ali Marlow - So
Anna O'Connor - So
Allyson Talley - So
E'Meilia Walker - So
Lacey West - So
Lyndsey Cauble - Fr
Nicole Whitt - Fr
Kaylee Williams - Fr
Ryan Farless - Sr
James Haney - Sr
Donald Ridner - Jr
Jack Beachboard - So
Andres Cavalie-Chabaneix - Fr
Ben Davis - Fr
John Michal - Fr
Nick Smith - Fr
Middle School Girls
Amber Ingleburger 8th CCMS
Aly Hutchings 7th CCMS
Emily Williams 6th CCMS
Kennedy Norman-Young 7th WMS
Middle School Boys
William Tobitt 7th WMS
TEAM FORMS REQUIRED @ Tryouts - PLEASE read and make sure a parent and the swimmer sign where indicated. Download and print or the swimmer can get printed copies fromt the coaches in room 14 or room 137.
- Physical form - Doctor signature required. Must be dated after June 1, 2016
- Concussion form
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest form
- Coffee Co Athletic Dept Code of Conduct Form
2015-16 Red Raider Swimming -- Region and State Qualifiers
The following swimmers have qualified to compete at the 2015-16 MTHSSA Regional Championship Meet:
- Jack Beachboard qualified for the Region Championship meet in all 8 individual events and he qualified for the State Championship meet in 3 individual events.
- Anna O’Connor qualified for the Region Championship meet in 4 individual events.
- Ryan Farless qualified for the Region Championship meet in 4 individual events.
- Emma Allen qualified for the Region Championship meet in 2 individual events.
- Emily Warner qualified for the Region Championship meet in 2 individual events.
- Donald Ridner qualified for the Region Championship meet in 1 individual event.
Click HERE for Best Times in all qualifiying events for these swimmers.
2015-16 Red Raiders Swimming -- Meet Results
Swimmers can check their times against the Region Time Standards to see if they have qualified for the Regional Meet.
11-05-15 @ LaVergne - Participating Teams: Central Magnet, Blackman, Lavergne & Siegel ( Individual & Relay Results )
11-12-15 @ LaVergne High School - Scoring Meet Coffee Co vs. LaVergne - Participating Teams: Central Magnet, Blackman, Lavergne & Siegel ( Team Results , Individual & Relay Results )
12-11-15 @ HOME (MANCHESTER REC CENTER) - Scoring Meet Coffee Co vs. Blackman vs. Siegel vs. Central Magnet - Participating Teams: Central Magnet, Blackman, Lavergne & Siegel ( Team Results , Individual & Relay Results )
12-17-15 @ LaVergne - Scoring Meet Coffee Co vs. Stewart's - Participating Teams: Central Magnet, Blackman, Stewart's Creek, Lavergne & Siegel ( Team Results , Individual & Relay Results )
1-14-16 @ LaVergne High School - Participating Teams: Central Magnet, Blackman, Lavergne & Siegel, Stewart's
2015-16 Red Raider Middle School Swimming -- Region Swimmers
The following swimmers will be competing at the 2015-16 MTHSSA Middle School Regional Championship Meet:
Kaylee Williams - 8th Grade - CCMS
Amber Ingleburger - 6th Grade - CCMS
Kennedy Norman-Young - 6th Grade - WMS
William Tobitt - 6th Grade - WMS
Here is a link with their events and entry times: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JgynuOgsp7HrksAYhfqtSWajhjJGnyfhsiJwpDy3ce8/edit?usp=sharing
Swimming Links:
MTHSSA - Our Governing Body
Regional & State Meets
1-30-15 @ Nashville Aquatic Club - High School - MTHSSA Regional Meet (Times/Individual Results)
1-31-15 @ Nashville Aquatic Club - Middle School Regionals (Times/Individual Results)
2-13-15 @ UTK Aquatic Center - TISCA State Meet
2-14-15 @ UTK Aquatic Center - TISCA State Meet
Regular Season Meet
Teams participating in the meets are listed in Team Results page.
11-1-14 @ Smyrna (Times/Individual Results) (Team Results)
11-14-14 @ Coffee County (Times/Individual Results) (Team Results)
11-20-14 @ Marshall Co (Times/Individual Results These are times for Short Course Meters NOT Yards) (Team Results)
11-22-14 @ Riverdale (Times/Individual Results) (Team Results)
12-12-14 @ Home (Times/Individual Results) (Team Results)
12-18-14 @ Oakland (Times/Individual Results) (Team Results)
1-8-15 @ LaVergne (Times/Individual Results - These are times for Short Course Meters NOT Yards) (Team Results)
**UPDATED 1/16/15** 1-15-15 @ LaVergne (Times/Individual Results- These are times for Short Course Meters NOT Yards)(Team Results)
**Note: Coffee County Middle School swimmers were invited to participate with our high school team this year. These swimmers are treated as our team members; however, we can not count their results when they swim with us against high school teams. In our high school meets, these swimmers are listed as exhibiition swimmers. We are very glad to have them participating with us and it is our hope that this will lead to a middle school team in the future. --Coach Lana Ray

Allen, Emma
Baker, Bailey
Beachboard, J
Bogle, Dillion
Cavenar, Shelby
Damron, Robert
Davis, Will
Franklin, Hailey
Haney, James
Harris, Lili
Ingram, Svetlan
Ivey-Bodman, T.
Johnson, Adina
Koops, Jeffrey
Larsen, D (Capt)
Mai, Sammi
Moore, Caitlyn
O'Connor, Anna
Parnham, Jaco
Roberson, B (C)
Scott, Kayce
Southerland, A.
Southerland, H.
Tucker, Ariah
Warner, Emily
Williams, Kayla
Bowen, Lexi
Swimming Links:
MTHSSA - Our Governing Body
2013-14 Red Raider Swim Team Roster & Highlights
State Qualifiers: Daniel Larsen
Region Qualifiers: Daniel Larsen, Parker Smith and Kaycee Scott
TISCA State Championship Meet is on Feb 14th & 15th at Centennial Sportsplex in Nashville
Want to learn more about competative swimming? Here are some great swimming sites:
http://www.swimsmooth.com/ **Great Videos on Freestyle Technique
http://www.goswim.tv/ **Great Videos on All Strokes - Lots of Drills and Technique Tips
Raider Swimming would like to thank the following sponsors for their
generoouse donations for the 2013-14 Swim Season. Please support these
businesses as they have supported our swimmers.
Making Waves Club Sposors:
- Lawrence Family Motors
- Aerospace Testing Alliance (ATA)
- The Warner Family
Friends of Fins Club Sponsors:
- Eaton's Hardware
2012-13 Highlights...
Daniel Larsen competed in the 2013 State Swim Championship and represented Coffee County High extremely well. On Friday, he posted his BEST time EVER, winning his heat with a time of 57.08 in the 100 yard butterfly while finishing 35 in the state. On Saturday, Daniel swam in the 100 backstroke and swam his 2nd best time EVER with a 58.30 for 36th in the state. Congratulations Daniel!!!
Coffee County Central H.S. competed at the 2013 MTHSSA Regional Championship Meet with the following swimmers: Daniel Larsen, Parker Smith, Hayley Banks, Sarah Buck and Audra Schaffer. Qualifying for this meet is an honor and a true athletic accomplishment.

Girls ( In no particular order):
- Haley Banks
- Keyonna Wilder
- Sarah Buck
- Audra Schaffer
- Kristen Shelton
- Gina Palmer
- Bailee Roberson
- Alexis Woodrough
- Kaycee Scott
Boys ( In no particular order):
- Daniel Larsen
- Chris Freimuth
- Parker Smith
- Andrew Dillinger
- Will Davis
- Jacob Parnham