Project Graduation
Project Graduation
Project Graduation
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year. We look forward to another successful year with our graduating class of 2018. We welcome all parents, friends and grandparents to help make your senior's year successful and fun! You do not have to have a senior parent to be a part of project graduation. We encourage everyone to help out even if you do not have a student or if you have a student in a lower grade. It takes the entire community to make the 2018 graduation night successful. We raise approximately $40,000 a year or more that is spent on the senior class!! So needless to say this is not a small project!! Thanks for all of your support of the Class of 2018!
Meetings will be the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the CHS library unless otherwise posted on the sign out front.
It takes all parents and students participation to make this event successful. When parents and students participate in fundraisers and meetings, points will be given. The top 13 to 17 students with the most points will be rewarded with $500.00 cash the night of graduation. All students attending project graduation will receive cash and prizes based upon turning in applications on time. All funraisers and activities will have points given to those participating.
Points are awarded as follows - every $5.00 sold during fundraisers equals one point, 1 point per person attending meetings up to 3 points, one point for every hour per person working and 1 point per item donated to Farm Bureau or anything else we may need donations for. We as a committee have the right to make changes to the point system as needed.
Donations may be sent to: Project Graduation, PO Box 541, Manchester, TN 37349