Naomi Hoover
CCHS Interact Sponsor
Mrs. Carlen Cotton
Rotary Representative
- 2016 Conference Agenda/Schedule
- Parent/Student Driver Insurance Form
- Mother's Day Flower Basket Fundraiser Form
- River Clean Up Permission Form 2015
- Interact Overnight Trip Permission Form
- Club Award Categories 2014
- Fred Brown Scholarship Application
- Bomar Scholarship Application
- Lacy Scholarship Application
- Interact District Officer Nomination Form
- Interact Day Trip Permission
- Interact New Member Referral Form
Stay informed & involved...
- Like Us on Facebook! Coffee County Central High School Interact
- Follow Us on Instagram!
- Download the Remind App!
- Check your school gmail account for Daily School Announcements.
- Watch for announcements on the TV Monitors in the Cafeteria.

What Is Interact?
Interact is Rotary International's service club for young people ages 14 to 18. The goal of INTERACT is international service and to encourage and foster the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of youth united in the ideal of service.
Interact clubs organize a variety of projects and activities that depend primarily on the interests of club members. Within the Interact program, all clubs work to enhance leadership skills, serve their community, and expand international understanding. Together, these efforts ensure a balanced club program and provide important experience and opportunities for each Interactor's personal development. Through these efforts, Interactors develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn the importance of
- Developing leadership skills and personal integrity
- Demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others
- Understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work
- Advancing international understanding and goodwill
As one of the most significant and fastest-growing programs of Rotary service, with more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries and geographical areas, Interact has become a worldwide phenomenon. Almost 200,000 young people are involved in Interact. Interact also encourages students to travel abroad through Rotary Youth Exchange. This is also the club to join if you wish to host or become an exchange student your junior year of High School.
Monthly Club Meeting - 3rd Wednesday of each month 3:15-3:45 PM
2023-24 Officers:
- Alexia Hasty- President
- Haley Sparkman - Vice President
- Marissa Medina - Secretary
- Melisa Garcia- Treasurer
- Kieran Welch & Elizabeth Rowell- Historians
- Madysen Maze- Sgt. At Arms
Our Pledge
The Four Way Test
(raise your right hand)
Of the things we say, think, or do:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Our Sponsoring Rotary Club is The Manchester Rotary Club
Interact Guidelines
Interact is a dynamic program that has the potential to fuel a lifetime of service, here are the basic requirements:
- Each Interact club must perform at least two service projects a year: one that benefits the school or community and one that furthers international understanding.
- Interact clubs must have a Rotarian adviser who is a member of the sponsor Rotary club. This person must attend Interact club and board meetings and provide advice on organizing service projects, fundraising, and club administration. The Rotarian adviser also acts as a liaison between the Interact club and the sponsor Rotary club.
- An Interact club can be school or community based. A community-based Interact club may draw members from several different schools within the territorial limits of the sponsor Rotary club. The Rotarian adviser must attend every meeting of a community-based club. A school-based club is subject to the policies and regulations governing all other organizations of that particular school. In most instances, a faculty counselor (who may or may not be a Rotarian) is appointed to work with the Interactors. In the case of a school-based club, the Rotarian adviser is only required to attend the Interact club's board meetings.
- Interact clubs meet at least twice a month. To remain eligible for membership, Interactors must attend at least 60 percent of regularly scheduled meetings.
- CCCHS Interact members are eligible by referral only - this means not just anyone may join Interact. Nomination by a CCHS faclty member, Rotarian, or current Interact member is required. Membership is subject to maintainace of a 2.5 GPA, 60% participation in meetings and functions, and members having NO ISD referrals.
Interact Youth Exchange
A program for those interested in becoming an exchange student.
The costs include:
$900 fee to cover expenses associated with your exchange
$582 insurance (cost varies year to year but this was the cost for 2012-13)
$1200 - $2800 open ended round trip plane ticket and visa
Click the link above or see Mrs. Benton or Ms. Perry for more info. You must be an active Interact Club member.
Would Your Family Like To Host An Interactor? Click Here